January 2024

Bella joins Epstein Fox Performances for general management

January 2024 (NEW YORK, NY)

Bella has joined the roster of Epstein Fox Performances, where she will be represented by Brooke Scholl.

Excerpt from Violin Channel article, linked below:

"How does it feel to join the roster of Epstein Fox Performances?"

The first feeling I have is excitement. Epstein Fox has shown great leadership and impact in the field across many genres, and being on the ground level of expanding their classical division is thrilling for me. Already I’ve had such terrific interactions with Brooke and Michael, and they’re helping me develop a number of ideas for projects and repertoire that I’ve been thinking about, so–more to come!

"What are you hoping you and Epstein Fox in collaboration can achieve over the next 10 years with your career?"

I’ve had the best launching pad anyone could ask for with YCA to gain experience as a soloist, collaborating with a large number of conductors and orchestras playing music of the past and present. In this next stage of my career with EFP, I’m looking at a longer arc for meaningful projects that I can offer presenters throughout a season, deepening lasting relationships with artistic partners, and building trust with audiences and making connections that bring new works into the repertoire. Ten years seems like a long time, but if the last ten years is any indication the time will go quickly working with so many inspiring artists along the way.

Click here to read full article